Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome To HustlePost Academy

    • Welcome Note From Saloni

    • Questions Before We Begin

    • Next Steps

    • Learn How Things Work Inside HPA

  • 2

    Finding Your Purpose

    • Finding Your Passion

    • Your Passion!

    • Finding Your Dream Hustle

    • Your Dream Hustle

    • Personal Goal Setting Exercise

    • How To Draft Your Business Plan

    • Your Business Plan

  • 3

    Finding Your Customers

    • Finding Your Ideal Customers

    • Your Ideal Customer

    • The Problem and Your Solution

    • Your Mission Statement

    • Your Ideal Marketing Channels

    • Your First Marketing Channel

    • You Social Media Plan

    • Your Customer's Journey With You

  • 4

    Building Your Revenue

    • Productising Your Services

    • Create a Product

    • Finding The Right Price

    • Business and Finance Essentials

    • Building A Budget For Your Business

  • 5

    Getting Your Routine In Order

    • Minimising Distractions

    • Introducing Google Calendar To Build Your Routine

    • Introduction To Trello For Project Management

    • Introduction to Toggl For Time Management

  • 6

    Unlocking The Next Level

    • Hiring Your Team

    • How To build Your Personal Brand?

    • Your Personal Brand

    • How To Build Thought Leadership?